Do you deliver to my Zip Code in Brisbane?
Bloom & Rocket Florist deliver throughout Brisbane, 7 days per week.
To discover if we deliver to your Zip Code, explore our shipping zones here.
How do I keep my flowers and plans fresh for longest?
All of our Blooms & Plants pass through quality control before they leave our store to ensure that they arrive in their best condition.
To enable them to continue to thrive and bloom at home, we have created some advice for Plant & Flower Care here.
Where can I keep up to date with new collections, offers and events?
We're proud to be part of the community in Taringa and now that you're here, we'd love to invite you into our own community - sign up to our monthly newsletter to be the first to know about events, offers and new collections.
Sign up here and don't miss a thing.
P.S. When you place an order, you will be automatically added into our database. You can choose to unsubscribe at any time.
What if I change my mind?
We're super speedy here at Bloom & Rocket Florist and online orders are usually made up within 24 hours, or on the specified date you requested.
If you wish to make an amend to your order, please forward your order confirmation to hello@bloomandrocket.com.au and we will do our best to make any amends. Please note there may be an additional charge for changes to size or blooms.